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KTI Suci Indah Lestari (PO. Pdf.pdf
Latar Belakang : Penyakit diare masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat
di negara berkembang khusunya Indonesia. Diantara penyebab diare adalah bakteri
Escherichia coli. Pengobatan diare yang disebabkan oleh bakteri dapat…

Plak adalah endapan tipis yang melekat pada permukaan gigi, endapan ini terdiri dari bahan perekat dan bakteri. Plak dapat dicegah pembentukannya dengan mengkonsumsi buah stroberi karena stroberi mempunyai zat aktif anti bakteri. Penelitian ini…

Hypertension is a condition of increased blood pressure that gives symptoms that
will progress to an organ resulting in a variety of life-threatening health
complications such as stroke (for the brain), coronary heart disease (for heart

Suandi. 2020. Pola Penggunaan Obat Pada Pasien Demam Tifoid dewasa Di
Instalasi Rawat Inap Puskesmas Ngulak Kecamatan Sanga Desa
Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin Periode Juli 2019 – April 2020. Jurusan
Farmasi Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang…

Es krim adalah produk pangan beku yang dibuat melalui kombinasi proses pembekuan
dan agitasi pada bahan-bahan yang terdiri dari susu dan produk susu, pemanis, penstabil,
pengemulsi, serta flavor. Tempe adalah salah satu produk olahan dari kedelai,…

Effectiveness of Nutritional Education on Knowledge and Adolescent Attitudes About Stunting in High School.pdf
According to the WHO, stunting prevention efforts can
start from a young age. Young women can begin to be given
knowledge and understanding about the importance of fulfilling
nutrition as a teenager. The aim was to increase knowledge and…

Effectiveness Of Extension Using Booklet Media Toward Between Nutrition Knowledge Children Elementary School 23 Pagar Agung Lahat Regency Year Of 2019.pdf
Elementary school children are important human resources in the nation's success,
biologically a group that is prone to food and nutritional deficiencies because they are at a
level of growth and development, there are various conditions of…

turnitin jurnal sriwiyanti Diet Pattern and Psicological adolescent.pdf
Social isolation has a negative impact on eating habits and mental health. especially in adolescents. Teenagers' daily lives have changed dramatically during the COVID-19 era due to the social restrictions that have been imposed, including the…
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