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Aisyah Eka Fitriani_LTA_2023.pdf
Latar Belakang : Stroke adalah sindroma klinis yang ditandai oleh disfungsi cerebral fokal atau global yang berlangsung 24 jam atau lebih, yang dapat menyebabkan disabilitas atau kematian yang disebabkan oleh perdarahan spontan atau suplai darah yang…

Background: Sectio caesarea surgery has its own impact on the mother, including
unfulfilled early initiation of breastfeeding (IMD) which causes problems in the
process of breastfeeding for the mother. The ineffectiveness of breastfeeding with…

Rully Sahrani Gusniar_LTA.pdf
Latar Belakang : Salmonella Typhi menyebabkan demam typoid, penyakit
bakteri akut yang sering menyerang sistem pencernaan. Jika tidak segera
ditangani, dapat berakibat fatal seperti kerusakan otak (kejang demam, perubahan
perilaku, syok, perforasi…

Berlen Octaviani_LTA_2023.pdf
Background: Hypertension is a manifestation of hemodynamic imbalance of the cardiovascular system whose pathophysiology is multifactorial. Hypertension
affects 22% of the world's population, developing countries as much as 40% and developed…

Background: In children with typhoid fever, the problem that often arises is hyperthermia, so management is needed to reduce hyperthermia in order to prevent other complications such as seizures. Management that can be done one of them is
with warm…

Stroke is a cerebral disease that attacks the brain caused by a lack of oxygen that is carried by the blood to the brain, and causes blockages in the blood vessels to the brain, characterized by hypoxia, impaired sleep quality and causes global…

Latar Belakang : Risiko perilaku kekerasan ialah respon seseorang yang
diekspresikan dalam bentuk ancaman, menciderai diri sendiri atau orang lain
ditandai dengan denyut nadi meningkat, tekanan darah meningkat, mudah marah,
cepat tersinggung,…

Rhizma Kusuma Dewi_LTA_2023.pdf
Background : Pregnancy is a happy process, but during pregnancy many physical
and psychological changes occur, and many discomforts experienced by pregnant
women. Pregnancy in Trimester III starts when pregnancy enters 28 weeks to 40

Latar Belakang : Hipertensi sering disebut sebagai silent killer karena orang tidak mengetahui dirinya mengidap hipertensi. Hipertensi juga merupakan faktor risiko kematian dini terbesar ketiga karena dapat menyebabkan gagal jantung dan penyakit…

Stroke is one of the serious health problems in today's modern era of life. Based
on the World Health Organization says that stroke is also a cause of death
globally, which has been estimated 17.7 million people died from stroke
representing 31%…
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