Background : Pregnancy is a happy process, but during pregnancy many physical
and psychological changes occur, and many discomforts experienced by pregnant
women. Pregnancy in Trimester III starts when pregnancy enters 28 weeks to 40
Latar Belakang : Hipertensi sering disebut sebagai silent killer karena orang tidak mengetahui dirinya mengidap hipertensi. Hipertensi juga merupakan faktor risiko kematian dini terbesar ketiga karena dapat menyebabkan gagal jantung dan penyakit…
Stroke is one of the serious health problems in today's modern era of life. Based
on the World Health Organization says that stroke is also a cause of death
globally, which has been estimated 17.7 million people died from stroke
representing 31%…
Background :Autism is a complex neurobiological development disorder with symptoms
appearing in children before the age of three. These disturbances are in the form of
communication disorders, social interaction disorders and repetitive behavior…
Latar Belakang : Thalasemia adalah penyakit yang diturunkan dari orang tua kepada
anaknya sejak dalam kandungan yang mengakibatkan penderitanya harus menjalani
transfusi darah secara rutin untuk meningkatkan kadar hemoglobin didalam darah,…
Background : Depression is a common mental disorder characterized by persistent sadness and loss of interest in activities, accompanied by an inability to carry out daily activities for at least two weeks. Low self-esteem can be caused by health…
Latar Belakang : Kecemasan adalah suatu perasaan campur aduk yang paling
umum dialami pasien gangguan jiwa, hal ini dicirikan dengan perasaan
khawatir yang berlebihan dengan stimulus yang tidak dapat diidentifikasi oleh
individu itu sendiri. Salah…
Appendicitis is a blockage of intestinal infection which is a surgical emergency that
can be done by surgery (apendictomy). to overcome acute pain due to surgery with the
implementation of nursing. Objectives Describe the implementation of pain…
Background: Hospitalization can cause anxiety in preschool children. Anxiety is a
response that often appears in children undergoing treatment at the hospital. One of the
therapies that does not cause trauma to children is coloring pictures…
Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease characterized by hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance that occurs because the pancreas gland cannot produce insulin adequately due to the body cannot use the insulin produced. Diabetes mellitus…