COVID-19 prevention behavior is the main factor to break the chain of the
spread of the COVID-19 disease. Behavioral determinants really determine
students in implementing preventive measures against COVID-19. The purpose of
Gout is a degenerative disease that attacks the joints and is most often found in
the community, especially experienced by the elderly (elderly). One way to deal
with anxiety is deep breathing relaxation techniques and five finger…
Pengaruh Pemberian Air Rebusan Seledri Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Klien hipertensi Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Merdeka Tahun 2019
Xv + 65 halaman + 12 tabel + 3 gambar + 10 lampiran
Tekanan darah tinggi adalah kondisi medis yang…
Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the diseases that attack the system musculoskeletal,
where one of the symptoms that often appears in sufferers Rheumatoid arthritis is
pain in the extremities and joints. According to data From Rikerdas in…
Background: An active smoker is someone who smokes and immediately inhale the
cigarette smoke. A passive smoker is someone who does not smoke but is exposed
to cigarette smoke by active smokers ± 15 minutes in one day for one week…
Academic stress is a condition or condition in the form of physical, mental or emotional disorders caused by a mismatch between environmental demands and the actual resources owned by students so that they are increasingly burdened with…
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that around 1.13 people in the world
sufferfrom hypertension. Complications of hypertension cause heart disease, stroke
and kidney disease. One of the non-pharmacological therapies is deep…
Diabetes is the second most common comorbidity found, due to Diabetes is the
second most common comorbidity found. Due to decreased immune function of
people with diabetes, it is one of the triggering factors for the easy occurrence of…
Hypertension is a chronic condition characterized by increased blood pressure on the walls of the arteries. Hypertension can lead to several complications, such as coronary heart disease, right ventricular hypertrophy, and brain targets in…
Healthy nurse is defined as a nurse who actively behaves to create and maintain a
balance and synergy of physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, personal
and professional well-being. However, on the whole many nurses were…