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Jurnal PADI vol 1 No 2-2022.pdf
Food waste is the amount of food that is not consumed. Several factors cause food waste, especially in hospitals.
Calculation of the patient's food waste is done by weighing or weighing through the Comstock method. This
study aims to determine the…

Jurnal PADI vol 1 No 1 Juni 2022-1.pdf
The specification of food ingredients is a control that is carried out at the beginning of food service activities
which functions to control the quality of food ingredients. The quality and safety of a food product are highly
dependent on the…

Background: Older people experience mental, social and physical decline. So that
it is very susceptible to experiencing functional disorders, psychological disorders
that are often experienced by the elderly such as depression, sleep disorders,…

Yuke Luthfiyani.pdf
Latar Belakang: Anak merupakan usia rentan terhadap karies karena anak masih perlu bimbingan dari orang tua atau keluarga. Kurangnya pengetahuan menyebabkan kebanyakan orang tua mengabaikan masalah kesehatan gigi yang berdampak pada kesehatan gigi…

Kebersihan gigi dan mulut merupakan suatu cara pemeliharaan kebersihan struktur gigi dan mulut guna mempertahankan gigi dan kesehatan mulut adalah menyikat gigi. Frekuensi dan waktu menyikat gigi yang tidak tepat dapat mempengaruhi kebersihan gigi…

2796-13227-1-PB (1).pdf
Karies adalah masalah kesehatan gigi sering terjadi pada anak-anak. Penyebab karies ada
empat faktor yakni host (pejamu), agent (mikroflora), environment (substrat), dan waktu.
Metode penyuluhan individual seperti metode irene’s donut dapat…

Background: The poor condition of the visually impaired’s mouth is in consequence of unsupervised brushing teeth, technical errors in brushing the
teeth, motor skill and guidance that are still neglected. To overcome these things, it requires…
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