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Karakteristik Pasien, Preferensi, Penampilan, Rasa dan
Sisa Makanan Biasa di Rumah Sakit Kota Palembang
Sisa Makanan Biasa di Rumah Sakit Kota Palembang
Food waste is the amount of food that is not consumed. Several factors cause food waste, especially in hospitals.
Calculation of the patient's food waste is done by weighing or weighing through the Comstock method. This
study aims to determine the description of patient characteristics, preferences, appearance, and taste of food
with ordinary food scraps in hospitalized patients. This type of research is descriptive with a cross-sectional
design. A total of 46 samples were taken using the accidental sampling technique. The data collected included
the patient's leftover lunch for three consecutive days for one patient using the Comstock method. The results
showed that the leftovers at lunch had reached the good category because the respondents seemed to spend their
food on a scale of 0 (100% exhausted). Respondents' food preferences showed that the food provided was more
preferred, the appearance of the food respondents considered more attractive, the taste of the food respondents
rated the taste more, for the variety of food menus the respondents rated the food served more varied every day.
Calculation of the patient's food waste is done by weighing or weighing through the Comstock method. This
study aims to determine the description of patient characteristics, preferences, appearance, and taste of food
with ordinary food scraps in hospitalized patients. This type of research is descriptive with a cross-sectional
design. A total of 46 samples were taken using the accidental sampling technique. The data collected included
the patient's leftover lunch for three consecutive days for one patient using the Comstock method. The results
showed that the leftovers at lunch had reached the good category because the respondents seemed to spend their
food on a scale of 0 (100% exhausted). Respondents' food preferences showed that the food provided was more
preferred, the appearance of the food respondents considered more attractive, the taste of the food respondents
rated the taste more, for the variety of food menus the respondents rated the food served more varied every day.
Yuli Hartati, Imelda Telisa, Afriyana Siregar
Jurnal Pustaka PADI Vol 1 No 2 (2022) pages : 11-16