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Jurnal, Pengabmas.pdf
The quality of life for women is manifested in a healthy and fit condition throughout their ages. Causes of
maternal death, including complications in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Care for post partum
mothers takes the form of home visits…

Jurnal Storytelling.pdf
Background: Children with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever must be treated in an invasive hospital
(hospitalization) so this will cause anxiety for the child. Nurses have a big role in controlling
anxiety with atraumatic care method, one of which is…

Upaya percapaian target MDGs di bidang kesehatan, yaitu dengan memberikan perhatian khusus pada penyelenggaraan
pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA). KIA sebaiknya dilakukan selama kehamilan. Hal ini dikarenakan selama
kehamilan, terutama…

Jurnal Latiahan Senam.pdf
Diabetes mellitus is a disease with metabolic disorders due to hormonal disorders that cause
various chronic complications in the eyes, kidneys, and blood vessels accompanied by lesions on the
basement membrane in examination with an electron…

Jurnal Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lab.pdf
Background: Laboratory learning is a learning process in the laboratory to strengthen the theory
obtained by way of learning experiences, using a model approach and learning methods that are
managed in an integrated manner. Laboratory learning in…

Jurnal GNWL.pdf
Latar Belakang: Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak banyak perubahan pada layanan kesehatan
secara keseluruhan. Perawat sebagai garda terdepan diharuskan beradaptasi dengan berbagai situasi
yang memuncak, yang akhirnya sangat menentukan kualitas kehidupan…

Jurnal Proceeding ICON 2 ISBN.pdf
Background:The policy and Nation Strategy for Health Reproduction is make
Adolescent Reproduction Health. The data from statistics center in 2010 most of 63
million adolescent in Indonesia are vulnerable unhealthy behavior (BKKBN,…
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