Gagal jantung adalah keadaan di mana jantung tidak mampu memompa darah untuk mencukupi kebutuhan jaringan melakukan metabolisme dengan kata lain, diperlukan peningkatan tekanan yang abnormal pada jantung untuk memenuhi kebutuhan metabolisme…
Hypertension is a chronic disease that is a major concern because of its high
morbidity and mortality. Hypertension can cause low quality of life, this is due to
the ef ects of disease. One of the factors that can af ect the quality of…
The pregnancy rate in South Sumatra has increased during the COVID-19
pandemic by 0.5% from January to April 2020. Pregnant women are a special
group that is vulnerable to being exposed to the COVID-19 virus, so it can increase…
Academic stress is a condition or condition in the form of physical, mental or emotional disorders caused by a mismatch between environmental demands and the actual resources owned by students so that they are increasingly burdened with…
According to (Sarwono, 2012) adolescence is a transition from puberty to
adulthood. In young women, one of the physical changes is the occurrence
of puberty which is marked by menstruation. According to (Rosyida, 2019),
menstruation or…
Background: Diabetes Mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized
by hyperglycemia that occurs due to abnormalities in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance diabetes, this occurs due…
Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is a problem that has a high risk of causing
coronary heart disease, kidney failure and stroke. Handling hypertension can be
done pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically with lavender…
The elderly experience structural and functional damage to the large arteries that
carry blood away from the heart causing further hardening of the arteries and high
blood pressure. Decreased immune system causes the elderly to be more…
Hypertension is one of the recognized heart diseases that are suspected to be
complications leading to stroke or heart failure and the cause of today's Nigerian
unexpected death. One way that can overcome high blood pressure is…
Hypertension is a condition when a systolic blood pressure is 130 mmHg or more
and a diastolic blood pressure is over 80 mmHg. Giving combination treatment
through slow deep breathing exercises and boiled water of bay leaves is an…