Survei Penduduk Antara Sensus (SUPAS) 2015 menunjukan bahwa AKI mencapai 305/100.000 KH dan AKB mencapai 22,23/1.000 KH. Untuk menurunkan angka kematian tersebut, maka bidan bekerja berdasarkan peran, fungsi serta kewenangannya dalam memberikan…
Abstract - Problems with the care process of people with
mental disorders by family caregivers never lead to
concrete solutions. Family support is one of the
determinants of the successful recovery of a patient's
condition because it reflects the…
Abstract - Patient satisfaction is one indicator of service
quality. This Study aims to the description of patient satisfaction
for health care on Hospital Palembang. This research was a
quantitative descriptive study with a descriptive survey…