Kualitas hidup pasien gagal ginjal kronis yang menjalani hemodialisis cukup
menarik perhatian bagi profesional kesehatan, karena masalah kualitas hidup
menjadi sangat penting dalam pemberian layanan keperawatan yang
menyeluruh bagi…
Demam thypoid merupakan penyakit yang endemik di Indonesia.Berdasarkan data tahun
2018 Profil Kesehatan Indonesia thypoid masih masalah kesehatan di masyarakat.
Diketahui dari 10 macam penyakit terbanyak di rumah sakit Muhammadiyah…
Kehamilan merupakan waktu transisi, yakni suatu masa antara kehidupan sebelum
memiliki anak yang sekarang berada dalam kandungan dan kehidupan nanti
setelah anak tersebut lahir. Pada trimester III kecemasan akan kembali muncul
ketika akan…
Background: Hypertension is a cardiovascular problem with a very high prevalence, including in Indonesia. Hypertension is the biggest comorbid factor causing death from COVID-19. The high prevalence of hypertension cases cannot be separated…
Background Adolescent girls are indeed an age that is very vulnerable to problems
with menstrual cycle disorders, especially in adolescents who are currently
studying. There are several factors that affect the menstrual cycle such as…
Old age is a phase of decline in intellectual and physical abilities, and
experiencing structural and functional damage to the large arteries that carry
blood away from the heart causes more severe hardening of the arteries and high…
Background : Hypertension is one of the highest causes of death in Indonesia. In
the incidence of hypertension risk factors are divided into two, namely risk factors
that cannot be changed (age, gender, heredity) and risk factors that…
Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on health workers, including
nurses. Nurses are at risk of being exposed, infected and experiencing other
health problems, besides that nurses are also at risk of experiencing mental…
COVID-19 prevention behavior is the main factor to break the chain of the
spread of the COVID-19 disease. Behavioral determinants really determine
students in implementing preventive measures against COVID-19. The purpose of
Background : Postpartum blues is a mild affective disorder syndrome that
appears in the first week after delivery. The incidence of postpartum blues at
Bhayangkara Hospital Palembang in 2019 was 46.7%. If the postpartum
blues don't go…