The Influence of Socialization of Food Hygiene and
Sanitation for Food Handlers on the Level of Germs
in the Food Served in Nutrition Institute of Dr.
Ernaldi Bahar Hospital Palembang 2012

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The Influence of Socialization of Food Hygiene and
Sanitation for Food Handlers on the Level of Germs
in the Food Served in Nutrition Institute of Dr.
Ernaldi Bahar Hospital Palembang 2012


Abstract: The service of food that is not sanitary and hygiene may cause health problems in patients who are being treated, because the
patients are very susceptible to diseases caused by germs on food. The main objective of this study was to find out the influence of
socialization of food hygiene and sanitation for food handlers on the level of germs in the food served in Nutrition Institute of Dr.
Ernaldi Bahar Hospital Palembang 2012. The method of this study was quasi-experimental. The population of the study is all food
handlers in Dr. Ernaldi Bahar Hospital Palembang. Twelve of them were taken as the sample of the study. The data of the level of the
germs were obtained by studying the result of laboratory test done within three days in a row before the socialization, and three days
after the socialization. The data of food hygiene and sanitation were gained by administering the pre test before the socialization and the
posttest after the socialization. The results show that the hygiene of the samples before the socialization is 16.7%, after the socialization
is 50%, the experimental group before the socialization is 33.3%, the average level of germs in the sample group is 1588.33 or
1.6x103/gram of food and in the experimental group is 4538.33 or 4.5x103 of food. After the socialization was conducted in sample
groups, the average level of germs in the sample group is 1188.33 or 1.2x103/gram of food whereas the average level of germs in the
experimental group is 3766.67 or 3.8x103/gram of food. There is no significant influence on the decrease of level of germs in food served.
In the sample group, the score is p>0.05 (0.452), while in the experimental group p>0.05 (0.730). This study concluded that there is an
increase of the knowledge of hygiene and sanitation for the food handlers, but the influence on the decrease of level of germs has been
found yet.


Rohanta Siregar, Yuli Hartati


International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) Volume 5 Issue 11





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