The Effect of Temperature and Reheating Times on Emulsion Stability of Kuah Laksan as Traditional Food From Palembang Indonesia

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The Effect of Temperature and Reheating Times on Emulsion Stability of Kuah Laksan as Traditional Food From Palembang Indonesia


Laksan is one of the traditional foods from Palembang. Laksan similar to pempek but eaten with coconut milk. Laksan usually consumed in hot conditions, so there is a recurring warming. Coconut milk as the main ingredient in kuah laksan, an ingredient that is susceptible to physical and chemical changes when heated. The physical changes that occur are changes in the emulsion stability. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of heating on the emulsion stability of kuah laksan after experiencing repeated heating. The results showed that the most stable emulsion in kuah laksan contained on heating at a temperature of 80 0C is indicated by the smallest slope are -0.066. Anova statistical results test showed significant effect of temperature and heating times on the emulsion stability of kuah laksan (P <0,05) as well as Duncan's post hoc test. Conclusion: Emulsion stability of kuah laksan will decrease after reheating, Emulsion stability of kuah laksan after reheating of the most stable at a temperature of 80 0C with the slope value of -0.066, the temperature and heating times significantly affected the emulsion stability of kuah laksan (P <0.05).


Yuli Hartati, Rindit Pambayun, Kiki Yuliati, Gatot Priyanto


International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering volume : 3, Issue : 7 : 127-129







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