Dublin Core
Prediction Model of Depression Incidence Among Elderly in
Nursing Home
Nursing Home
Depression model
Depression is a mental problem that is commonly found in the elderly. An estimated about 60% of
patients in the unit Geriatric have depression. Therefore, depression symptoms that appear are often considered
as part of the aging process. Depressive disorders in the elderly provide a wide impact for physical factors,
psychological and social disadvantage which interact one another and worsen the quality of life and elderly
productivity. The incidence of depression in elderly living in nursing home are higher than those who live with
family. This is a quantitative research with cross sectional design, aimed at determining Prediction Model
ofdepression incidence in Elderly. Respondents were the elderly in nursing homeTeratai Palembang (60
people). The independent variables were age, sex, education,activities (KATZ Index) and social support (Apgar
score). The dependent variable was the depression scores which was collected by using Beck Depression Index.
Multivariable analysis of this study used the multiple linear regression in order to get the prediction model
incidence of depression (CI=95%).The result showed that gender and elderly activity significantly associated
with the incidence of depression with a predictive model as follows: Depression=12.439-1.653*Gender-
3,993*Independence Activity. This equation model can estimate Beck Depression Index by using gender and
activity (R2=0.455).Many elderly in a nursing home experience thedepression. Women are more depressed than
men because of hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle associated with pregnancy, childbirth and
menopause.The independence of activity greatly affects the level of depression.There is a significant
relationship between activity and depression. Elderly who has lower levels of depression will be able to carry
out their activities properly.
patients in the unit Geriatric have depression. Therefore, depression symptoms that appear are often considered
as part of the aging process. Depressive disorders in the elderly provide a wide impact for physical factors,
psychological and social disadvantage which interact one another and worsen the quality of life and elderly
productivity. The incidence of depression in elderly living in nursing home are higher than those who live with
family. This is a quantitative research with cross sectional design, aimed at determining Prediction Model
ofdepression incidence in Elderly. Respondents were the elderly in nursing homeTeratai Palembang (60
people). The independent variables were age, sex, education,activities (KATZ Index) and social support (Apgar
score). The dependent variable was the depression scores which was collected by using Beck Depression Index.
Multivariable analysis of this study used the multiple linear regression in order to get the prediction model
incidence of depression (CI=95%).The result showed that gender and elderly activity significantly associated
with the incidence of depression with a predictive model as follows: Depression=12.439-1.653*Gender-
3,993*Independence Activity. This equation model can estimate Beck Depression Index by using gender and
activity (R2=0.455).Many elderly in a nursing home experience thedepression. Women are more depressed than
men because of hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle associated with pregnancy, childbirth and
menopause.The independence of activity greatly affects the level of depression.There is a significant
relationship between activity and depression. Elderly who has lower levels of depression will be able to carry
out their activities properly.
Faiza Yuniati
Faiza Yuniati
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