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Correlations between characteristics of nurses and
working environment with patient safety application
in Muhammadiyah Palembang Hospital,Indonesia
working environment with patient safety application
in Muhammadiyah Palembang Hospital,Indonesia
Characteristics of nurses, Working environment,
Patient safety
Patient safety
Abstract— The complexity of health services in hospitals have
an impact on the quality of nursing care and patient safety
aspects. The role of nurses needed in maintaining patient
safety through environmental transformation and
performance as the standard implementation. This study
aimed to determine the relationship between characteristics of
nurses and working environment with performance of nurse
in patient safety application. This study used a cross-sectional
study with number of samples were 113 nurses. Analysis using
chi square and unpaired t-test with 95% CI. Based on the
analysis of the working environment, around 59.3% were in
high workloads, 54% were in good autonomy, 39.8% were in
good availability of resources, 49.6% were in good aspects of
leadership and management, and then 81.4% were in good
performance of nurses in patient safety application. Bivariate
analysis found a significant relationship between autonomous
practice with the performance of nurses in patient safety
application (p = 0.001) and management and leadership with
the performance nurses in patient safety application (p =
0.003). The characteristics of nurses, workload and resource
availability is not related to the performance of nurses in
patient safety application. However, the performance of
nurses in patient safety application related to how the
perception of nurses regarding autonomy of nursing practice
and management support and leadership in nursing.
an impact on the quality of nursing care and patient safety
aspects. The role of nurses needed in maintaining patient
safety through environmental transformation and
performance as the standard implementation. This study
aimed to determine the relationship between characteristics of
nurses and working environment with performance of nurse
in patient safety application. This study used a cross-sectional
study with number of samples were 113 nurses. Analysis using
chi square and unpaired t-test with 95% CI. Based on the
analysis of the working environment, around 59.3% were in
high workloads, 54% were in good autonomy, 39.8% were in
good availability of resources, 49.6% were in good aspects of
leadership and management, and then 81.4% were in good
performance of nurses in patient safety application. Bivariate
analysis found a significant relationship between autonomous
practice with the performance of nurses in patient safety
application (p = 0.001) and management and leadership with
the performance nurses in patient safety application (p =
0.003). The characteristics of nurses, workload and resource
availability is not related to the performance of nurses in
patient safety application. However, the performance of
nurses in patient safety application related to how the
perception of nurses regarding autonomy of nursing practice
and management support and leadership in nursing.
Yulia, Sri1
; Muliyadi2
; Apriyani, Anita 3
; Muliyadi2
; Apriyani, Anita 3
Sustainable Development of Asian Community