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Relationship of Exposure Cigarette
Smoke in Pregnant Mothers to The
Newborn weight
Smoke in Pregnant Mothers to The
Newborn weight
low birth weight, pregnant, passive smoking
The infant mortality rate in Indonesia caused
by the incidence of LBW is still a health problem that must be
resolved. Exposure to cigarette smoke can affect 1ow birth
weight babies in mothers who are exposed to cigarette smoke.
Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship
between exposure to cigarette smoke in pregnancy and
newborn body weight.
Methods: This research used analytic r*,ith a cross-sectional
approach. From 100 population ofpregnant mothers, 50 people
were sampled in this study using the total sampling technique.
The independent t ariable was exposl.lre to cigarette smoke and
the dependent variable was the weight of the newbom and the
data were analyzed by using the chi- square test.
Results: The results of the statistical test showed that the
variables that were statistically signifrcantly related to the birth
weight of newboms were age withp value <0.$11, parity with
p value <0.016, education with p value <0.A1 and exposure to
cigarette smoke. with p value <0.012.
Conclusion: There were a significant relationship between
exposure to cigarette smoke and the weight of newborns at
Bhayangkara Hospital Palembang in 2021. It is necessary to
increase the socializafion and health education for pregnant
mothers and families abaout the impact of exposure to
cigarette smohe cn the growth and development of infants from an early age.
by the incidence of LBW is still a health problem that must be
resolved. Exposure to cigarette smoke can affect 1ow birth
weight babies in mothers who are exposed to cigarette smoke.
Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship
between exposure to cigarette smoke in pregnancy and
newborn body weight.
Methods: This research used analytic r*,ith a cross-sectional
approach. From 100 population ofpregnant mothers, 50 people
were sampled in this study using the total sampling technique.
The independent t ariable was exposl.lre to cigarette smoke and
the dependent variable was the weight of the newbom and the
data were analyzed by using the chi- square test.
Results: The results of the statistical test showed that the
variables that were statistically signifrcantly related to the birth
weight of newboms were age withp value <0.$11, parity with
p value <0.016, education with p value <0.A1 and exposure to
cigarette smoke. with p value <0.012.
Conclusion: There were a significant relationship between
exposure to cigarette smoke and the weight of newborns at
Bhayangkara Hospital Palembang in 2021. It is necessary to
increase the socializafion and health education for pregnant
mothers and families abaout the impact of exposure to
cigarette smohe cn the growth and development of infants from an early age.
Ismar Agustinr, Sri Endriyani*, Rehanaz, Tri Utari3