Dublin Core
An Analysis of the Risk of Anemia on Female Students of Senior High School Number 6 Palembang
The result of Baseline Health Research
(Riskesdas) 2013 was found out that iron nutritional
anemia is still being public health problems with
prevalence ≥ 20 percent in adolescents. Anemia iron
nutrition is still a public health problem with prevalence
in adolescents of 13- 18 years and 22.7 percent (RI
Ministry of Health, 2013). The purpose of this research
was to find out the analysis of the risk of anemia to the
students of Senior High School Number 6 Palembang. The type of this research used was research analytic
survey through screening with case control design by
comparison 1: 1 and matching to age. The population in
this study was all of the class XI of Senior High School
Number 6 Palembang with the total number 188
(Riskesdas) 2013 was found out that iron nutritional
anemia is still being public health problems with
prevalence ≥ 20 percent in adolescents. Anemia iron
nutrition is still a public health problem with prevalence
in adolescents of 13- 18 years and 22.7 percent (RI
Ministry of Health, 2013). The purpose of this research
was to find out the analysis of the risk of anemia to the
students of Senior High School Number 6 Palembang. The type of this research used was research analytic
survey through screening with case control design by
comparison 1: 1 and matching to age. The population in
this study was all of the class XI of Senior High School
Number 6 Palembang with the total number 188
Sartono, SKM, M.Kes, Ahmad Sadiq, SKM, MKM
Poltekkes Palembang
Bahasa Inggris