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Calcium Intake And Body Mass Index (BMI)
On Bone Density
On Bone Density
Osteoporosis is a disease
characterized by reduced bone mass (density) and
changes in the micro-architecture of bone tissue so that
bone strength decreases and bone fragility increases
(Menkes RI, 2008). Calcium intake is one of the
determining factors in bone mass formation and has an
effect on bone density (Setyawati et.al, 2013;
Tusmantoyo et. al, 2014). The low BMI is related to the
low achievement of peak bone mass and high bone mass
loss (Ensrud et al, 2007). To analyze the
relationship of calcium intake and Body Mass Index
(BMI) to bone density method An epidemiological
study that is observational analytic using a cross
sectional study design.
characterized by reduced bone mass (density) and
changes in the micro-architecture of bone tissue so that
bone strength decreases and bone fragility increases
(Menkes RI, 2008). Calcium intake is one of the
determining factors in bone mass formation and has an
effect on bone density (Setyawati et.al, 2013;
Tusmantoyo et. al, 2014). The low BMI is related to the
low achievement of peak bone mass and high bone mass
loss (Ensrud et al, 2007). To analyze the
relationship of calcium intake and Body Mass Index
(BMI) to bone density method An epidemiological
study that is observational analytic using a cross
sectional study design.
Yunita Nazarena, S.Gz, M.Si, Terati, SKM, M.Si
Polttekes Palembang