Dublin Core
Impelementasi Keperawatan pada pasien Risiko Tinggi Jatuh di Ruang Inap Ahmad Dahlan Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Tahun 2021
Patient Safety, Fall Risk
Purbawati, Putri. 2021. Implementation of Nursing for Patients with High Risk of
Falling in the Inpatient Room of Muhammadiyah Hospital
Palembang in 2021. Diploma III Nursing Study Program in
Palembang, Department of Nursing, Poltekkes, Ministry of
Health, Palembang. Advisor (I) Dr. Mulyadi, S.Kp., M.Kep.
Advisor (II) Azwaldi, APP, M.Kes.
Patient safety is a top priority that must be implemented by the hospital. This is
closely related to both the image of the hospital and the patient's safety. The
purpose of implementing patient safety in the hospital is to protect patients from
unexpected events. Falls are common in the elderly, sick people, or injured people
who are weak. To prevent a client from falling and getting injured because of it,
nurses should consider fall prevention guidelines in health care settings, although
it seems likely that raising bed fences is an effective way of preventing falls.
This type of research is descriptive in the form of a case study for the
implementation of falling risk prevention nursing at Muhammadiyah Palembang
Hospital. The research subjects to be studied were two patients with hypertension
and diabetes mellitus. By collecting data through interviews, observation, physical
examination, and documentation. The results of this study show that prevention of
fall risk that has been carried out using Morse fall risk calculations, installing bed
handrails and the use of non-slip footwear can be done independently which has
been taught. Although it seems that raising the bed rails is an effective way to
prevent falls. And from the research that has been done, the interventions that
must be considered and carried out by nurses are helping patients when they need
to go to the toilet, accompanying patients when patients get out of bed, installing
stickers on the patient's fall risk, nurses being responsive to patient changes, and
nurses responding quickly if there are any. call alarm.
Falling in the Inpatient Room of Muhammadiyah Hospital
Palembang in 2021. Diploma III Nursing Study Program in
Palembang, Department of Nursing, Poltekkes, Ministry of
Health, Palembang. Advisor (I) Dr. Mulyadi, S.Kp., M.Kep.
Advisor (II) Azwaldi, APP, M.Kes.
Patient safety is a top priority that must be implemented by the hospital. This is
closely related to both the image of the hospital and the patient's safety. The
purpose of implementing patient safety in the hospital is to protect patients from
unexpected events. Falls are common in the elderly, sick people, or injured people
who are weak. To prevent a client from falling and getting injured because of it,
nurses should consider fall prevention guidelines in health care settings, although
it seems likely that raising bed fences is an effective way of preventing falls.
This type of research is descriptive in the form of a case study for the
implementation of falling risk prevention nursing at Muhammadiyah Palembang
Hospital. The research subjects to be studied were two patients with hypertension
and diabetes mellitus. By collecting data through interviews, observation, physical
examination, and documentation. The results of this study show that prevention of
fall risk that has been carried out using Morse fall risk calculations, installing bed
handrails and the use of non-slip footwear can be done independently which has
been taught. Although it seems that raising the bed rails is an effective way to
prevent falls. And from the research that has been done, the interventions that
must be considered and carried out by nurses are helping patients when they need
to go to the toilet, accompanying patients when patients get out of bed, installing
stickers on the patient's fall risk, nurses being responsive to patient changes, and
nurses responding quickly if there are any. call alarm.
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