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PEER REVIEWER 1,2 Diet Pattern ....pdf
Social isolation has a negative impact on eating habits and mental health. especially in adolescents. Teenagers' daily lives have changed dramatically during the COVID-19 era due to the social restrictions that have been imposed, including the…

Jurnal Sriwiyanti Diet Pattern And psycological Conditions in Adolscnts.pdf
Social isolation has a negative impact on eating habits and mental health. especially in adolescents. Teenagers' daily lives have changed dramatically during the COVID-19 era due to the social restrictions that have been imposed, including the…

View of Effectiveness of Nutritional Education on Knowledge and Adolescent Attitudes About Stunting in High School.pdf
ackground:According to the WHO, stunting prevention efforts can start from a young age. Young women can begin to be given knowledge and understanding about the importance of fulfilling nutrition as a teenager. …

jurnal publikasi an. Sriwiyanti gizi.pdf
Elementary school children are important human resources in the nation's success, biologically a group that is prone to food and nutritional deficiencies because they are at a level of growth and development, there are various …

Latar Belakang: Anemia adalah suatu kondisi di mana jumlah sel darah merah atau konsentrasi hemoglobin di dalamnya lebih rendah dari biasanya. Tujuan: Penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kue semprit dengan penambahan hati ayam dan tepung…

Diabetes Melitus adalah penyakit yang ditandai dengan terjadinya hiperglikemia, ketika terjadi resistensi insulin maka akan terjadi peningkatan kadar trigliserida dalam darah yang dapat menyebabkan aterosklerosis serta dislipidemia. Penelitian ini…

Bayi baru lahir sangat rentan terkena infeksi, maka dari itu bayi baru lahir harus diberikan perawatan khusus dan salah satunya adalah perawatan tali pusat sampai tali pusat lepas. Tali pusat adalah saluran vascular yang menghubungkan embrio atau…
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