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Scopus4.Rehana_The Effect of Supportive Educative Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase 3 on Male Sexual Dysfunction among Patient with Coronary Heart Disease.pdf
Introduction: Heart disease in the world has increased every year. Compensation for the work of the heart on the
body causes a decrease in the patient’s activity which has an impact on sexual function. The purpose of this study

was to analyse the…

17 JKM -2021Manajemen Hipertermi Pada Asuhan Keperawatan Anak Kejang Demam REHANA-MULIYADI-ALAM.pdf
Background: Febrile seizures are seizures that occur at temperatures above 38 ° C caused by
extracranial processes without a history of seizures without previous fever. The purpose of this
study was to describe the management of hyperthermia in…

Febrile seizures are seizures that occur at temperatures above 38 ° C caused by
extracranial processes without a history of seizures without previous fever. The purpose of this
study was to describe the management of hyperthermia in pediatric…
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