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Jurnal MBC ICOST.pdf
Abstract Self-reliance can be done by building a
empowerment woman and child-directed quality of life
and the role of women through the success of post
partum mothers in mer awat herself and her baby.
Pemulangan early from hospitals require…

Effect of Patient Care Delivery Model......pdf
Effect of Patient Care Delivery Model Guidance System Team Method of Patient Satisfaction in the Curup General Hospital Rejang Lebong District 2016

View of Effectiveness of Nutritional Education on Knowledge and Adolescent Attitudes About Stunting in High School.pdf
ackground:According to the WHO, stunting prevention efforts can start from a young age. Young women can begin to be given knowledge and understanding about the importance of fulfilling nutrition as a teenager. …

5768-17943-1-PB (4).pdf
Dental health problems often found in children are dental caries. Poor dental health status such as caries that is not treated will cause the child's quality of life to decline. Dental health education aims to tackle dental health problems, the…

5768-17943-1-PB (4).pdf
Dental health problems often found in children are dental caries. Poor dental health status such as
caries that is not treated will cause the child's quality of life to decline. Dental health education aims to
tackle dental health problems, the…

jurnal publikasi an. Sriwiyanti gizi.pdf
Elementary school children are important human resources in the nation's success, biologically a group that is prone to food and nutritional deficiencies because they are at a level of growth and development, there are various …
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