Latar Belakang : Kanker merupakan penyakit yang timbul karena pertumbuhan sel-sel secara abnormal yang dapat merusak jaringan dan metastase ke organ tubuh lain seara luas. Metode : Jenis penulisan ini adalah deskriptif dalam bentuk studi kasus dengan…
Latar Belakang : Kanker adalah penyakit yang menyebabkan kematian terbanyak kedua didunia. Pembedahan adalah suatu metode pengobatan kanker yang paling banyak. Masalah keperawatan yang sering muncul pada pasien pasca pembedahan adalah nyeri.…
Background :The puerperium is the period that begins after the placenta comes
out and ends when the uterine devices return to their original state (before
pregnancy) which lasts for about 6 weeks. Post partum mothers need adequate
sleep rest to…
Latar Belakang : Hipertensi adalah kondisi di saat tekanan sistolik melebihi 140 mmHg dan diastoliknya melebihi 90 mmHg. Gejala yang umum terjadi adalah nyeri kepala. Untuk mengatasi nyeri kepala maka dilakukan implementasi keperawatan pada pasien…
Background: Appendicitis is an inflammatory process due to infection of the appendix or appendix or called the appendix. This infection can cause complications if you don't get surgery immediately for treatment. The purpose of the case study was the…
Background Back : Appendicitis is an inflammatory process due to infection in the appendix or cacaing tuber or called appendis. This infection can cause complications if you do not immediately get surgery for treatment. The purpose of the case study…
Background : Autism is a severe neurobiological development disorder that occurs in children, causing problems for children to communicate and relate to their environment. Most parents bring up a variety of emotional reactions when they find out…
Background : Appendicitis is an infectious disease of the digestive tract, management of appendicitis is surgery (appendictomy) which is an act of removing the appendix. Disorders caused by appendectomy surgery are acute pain. The purpose of the case…
Background: Post partum mothers during labor often experience tears in the birth canal in the perineum due to the pressure of the fetal head. Every mother who has experienced labor with a perineal wound will experience pain. The condition of…