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The Influence of the Drama "My Mother, My Exclusive Breastfeeding Hero" on the Motivation of Exclusive Breastfeeding
drama, exclusive breastfeeding,motivation,breastfeeding mothers
Introduction: Health education and promotion actions have been carried
out at Simpang Periuk Health Center, Lubuklinggau City by health workers.
However, in practice, the percentage of mothers who do exclusive
breastfeeding has not reached 80%. It is necessary to hold health
promotion innovations in the form of drama games to touch the hearts of
breastfeeding mothers so that awareness arises and strong motivation is
formed to pass exclusive breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of the drama "My Mother, My Exclusive Breastfeeding
Hero" on the motivation to give exclusive breastfeeding to breastfeeding
mothers in the work area of Simpang Periuk Health Center, Lubuklinggau
City.Methods: The research method used is quasi-experimental without control
group. The sample used was 33 breastfeeding mothers with the age of the
baby not exceeding 6 months by accidental sampling. Results: The results of the Wilcoxon test showed that there was a difference in the mean value of exclusive breastfeeding motivation before and after the drama was given (p=0.000).Conclusion: It could be concluded that there was a significant increase in the motivation for exclusive breastfeeding before and after the drama was given. Suggestions to the Puskesmas to be able to use the drama "My Mother, My Exclusive Breastfeeding Hero" as a method of health
out at Simpang Periuk Health Center, Lubuklinggau City by health workers.
However, in practice, the percentage of mothers who do exclusive
breastfeeding has not reached 80%. It is necessary to hold health
promotion innovations in the form of drama games to touch the hearts of
breastfeeding mothers so that awareness arises and strong motivation is
formed to pass exclusive breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of the drama "My Mother, My Exclusive Breastfeeding
Hero" on the motivation to give exclusive breastfeeding to breastfeeding
mothers in the work area of Simpang Periuk Health Center, Lubuklinggau
City.Methods: The research method used is quasi-experimental without control
group. The sample used was 33 breastfeeding mothers with the age of the
baby not exceeding 6 months by accidental sampling. Results: The results of the Wilcoxon test showed that there was a difference in the mean value of exclusive breastfeeding motivation before and after the drama was given (p=0.000).Conclusion: It could be concluded that there was a significant increase in the motivation for exclusive breastfeeding before and after the drama was given. Suggestions to the Puskesmas to be able to use the drama "My Mother, My Exclusive Breastfeeding Hero" as a method of health
Indah Dewi Ridawati1* & Intan Kumalasari1
Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang