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Turnitin Artikel Judul The Use of Educational Media Snakes and Ladders Dental
Health in Improving Dental and Oral Health Knowledge of Students of Class 3 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah II City of Palembang
Health in Improving Dental and Oral Health Knowledge of Students of Class 3 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah II City of Palembang
Educational Media, Dental Health, Dental
and Oral Health, Snakes and Ladders.
and Oral Health, Snakes and Ladders.
Dental and oral health problems are experienced
by many school-age children. The cause is less
parental knowledge. The purpose of this study
was to increase children's knowledge of
maintaining oral and dental hygiene. this method
uses pretest-posttest. The target is 30 Madrasah
students. The results showed that the use of
snakes and ladders educational media about
dental and oral hygiene increased knowledge
and changed attitudes before playing snakes and
ladders media. From the snake and ladder game,
it is proven that it can increase the knowledge of
3rd grade Madrasah students in maintaining oral
and dental hygiene. This can be seen from the
results of the pretest-posttest and evaluations
that have been carried out
by many school-age children. The cause is less
parental knowledge. The purpose of this study
was to increase children's knowledge of
maintaining oral and dental hygiene. this method
uses pretest-posttest. The target is 30 Madrasah
students. The results showed that the use of
snakes and ladders educational media about
dental and oral hygiene increased knowledge
and changed attitudes before playing snakes and
ladders media. From the snake and ladder game,
it is proven that it can increase the knowledge of
3rd grade Madrasah students in maintaining oral
and dental hygiene. This can be seen from the
results of the pretest-posttest and evaluations
that have been carried out
Masayu Nurhayati¹*, Listrianah², Yufen Widodo³
Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang