Effectivity of The Combination of Foot Exercises and Hydrotherapy to Peripheral Circulation in Patients diabetes mellitus

Dublin Core


Effectivity of The Combination of Foot Exercises and Hydrotherapy to Peripheral Circulation in Patients diabetes mellitus


diabetes mellitus, foot exercises, hydrotherapy


ABSTRACT- Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease characterized
by the body can not regulate blood sugar levels automatically. In
Indonesia obtained mortality ulcer/gangrene diabetes ranged
between 17-32% while the amputation rate between 15-30%.
Patients died post-amputation was 14.8%, increased to 37% over
three years. The mean age of the patients were only 23.8 months
post-amputation. As many as 50% of amputations in patients with
diabetes mellitus is estimated to be preventable if patients are taught
preventive measures to treat the foot. Nurses as an important part
of nursing caregiver should be able to contribute more in the
Prevention of complications in diabetic patients, so we need new
interventions to provide care. Aim this study determined the
combined effect of foot exercises and hydrotherapy to increase
peripheral circulation in patients with DM. The methods this study
is an experimental research. The design study is a randomized
controlled trial with the pretest-posttest control group. This study
was using random sampling. The results are diabetes patients in
this experiment consists of male 57.14%, not work 61.9% and
90.9%. not have foot ulcers. The average age of the respondents
56.8 years in the intervention group and 59, 5 in the control group.
Average 4.33 years longer suffer DM in the intervention group and
59.5 years in the control group with the lowest age at 42 years.
Blood sugar levels respondents the average 221 mg / dL in the
intervention group and 180.7 mg/dl in the control group. There was
no difference in mean Ankle Brachial Index (ABPI) in the
intervention and control groups. There was a relationship between
the value of the long-suffering DM and ABPI.




Atlantis Press









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