Dublin Core
Comparison of Early Childhood Development
Rates in Two Different Types of Kinder Garten
Rates in Two Different Types of Kinder Garten
Development, early age education, natural
Abstract-- Development is the increase in the ability and
structure/ function of the body. The purpose of this study
was to determine the differences in the level of
development of children who were educated at the
Indonesian natural school in Palembang and at the school
of the 01 TK Pembina. This research was conducted by
using quantitative research methods by using a
comparative study research design that is a study that
compares existing phenomena to look for factors that
cause a particular process to arise. The sampling method
in this study used total was 30 samples consisting of 15
natural school samples and 15 conventional school
samples. The analysis used is a test Two Independent
Sample Test with test type Mann Whitney U test. The
results of this study indicate that there are no significant
differences in the level of development of children in
natural schools and conventional schools indicated by the
value of p Value (0.148)> α (0.05) so that there is no
significant difference in the level of child development in
Indonesian Natural School Palembang with Children in
School TK Negeri 01 Pembina Palembang in 2019. For
further research it is recommended to choose other
conventional schools that have different criteria from
conventional schools that have been conducted so that the
results obtained will be more maximal.
structure/ function of the body. The purpose of this study
was to determine the differences in the level of
development of children who were educated at the
Indonesian natural school in Palembang and at the school
of the 01 TK Pembina. This research was conducted by
using quantitative research methods by using a
comparative study research design that is a study that
compares existing phenomena to look for factors that
cause a particular process to arise. The sampling method
in this study used total was 30 samples consisting of 15
natural school samples and 15 conventional school
samples. The analysis used is a test Two Independent
Sample Test with test type Mann Whitney U test. The
results of this study indicate that there are no significant
differences in the level of development of children in
natural schools and conventional schools indicated by the
value of p Value (0.148)> α (0.05) so that there is no
significant difference in the level of child development in
Indonesian Natural School Palembang with Children in
School TK Negeri 01 Pembina Palembang in 2019. For
further research it is recommended to choose other
conventional schools that have different criteria from
conventional schools that have been conducted so that the
results obtained will be more maximal.
Atlantis Press