Dublin Core
A New Finding of a Novel Quality of Life Instrument
Quality of Life Instrument
Background: Quality of life (QoL) of productive age has become a concern of researchers as they are the
primary resources that determine the progress of a nation.
Aim: This study aim to develop a QoL measurement for productive age in the general population.
Methodology: Based on the concept of quality of life theory, there are 45 question items on the Indonesia
Family Life Survey (IFLS) questionnaires used as initial indicators of QoL. The samples of this study were
25,476 productive ages (15-64 years). The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) first-order excluded 13
items (loading factors < 0.3).
Results: QoL-IFLS32, a reduced number of 32 items encompasses 7 dimensions: well-being, general health,
physical, mental, social, community participation, and religion. The instrument meets the fit model criteria
(AGFI = 0.917, GFI = 0.928, RMSEA = 0.05). The convergent validity was considered appropriate, with 29
of the 32 items correlated stronger with their assigned scale than a competing scale. 6 of 7 dimensions had
construct reliability > 0.6 and good discriminant validity. The discriminant validity value was greater than
the correlation between dimensions except for the physical dimension.
Conclusion: This new findings of QoL instrument have acceptability of validity and reliability. The mean
score of QoL was greater among ages 15-25, female, and highly educated. Students had a better QoL than
worker and homemaker.
primary resources that determine the progress of a nation.
Aim: This study aim to develop a QoL measurement for productive age in the general population.
Methodology: Based on the concept of quality of life theory, there are 45 question items on the Indonesia
Family Life Survey (IFLS) questionnaires used as initial indicators of QoL. The samples of this study were
25,476 productive ages (15-64 years). The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) first-order excluded 13
items (loading factors < 0.3).
Results: QoL-IFLS32, a reduced number of 32 items encompasses 7 dimensions: well-being, general health,
physical, mental, social, community participation, and religion. The instrument meets the fit model criteria
(AGFI = 0.917, GFI = 0.928, RMSEA = 0.05). The convergent validity was considered appropriate, with 29
of the 32 items correlated stronger with their assigned scale than a competing scale. 6 of 7 dimensions had
construct reliability > 0.6 and good discriminant validity. The discriminant validity value was greater than
the correlation between dimensions except for the physical dimension.
Conclusion: This new findings of QoL instrument have acceptability of validity and reliability. The mean
score of QoL was greater among ages 15-25, female, and highly educated. Students had a better QoL than
worker and homemaker.
Faiza Yuniati2020
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