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First stage labor, Pain, Deep Back Massage
Background: Pain during childbirth is a physiological process. First stage labor pain starts from
cervical dilatation until complete dilatation (10cm). Non-pharmacological efforts that can be done
is massage (massage). Objective: to be able to carry out nursing implementation of massage
techniques in intranatal to reduce labor pain in the 1st stage. Methods: Descriptive case study
design with a nursing care approach that has problems with labor pain in the 1st stage. The
subjects in this case study were two patients with the initials Mrs. R who was 27 years old. years
and Mrs.G who is 26 years old, this implementation was carried out in the delivery room of
Muhammadiyah Hospital Palembang in 2021. This case study focuses on the implementation of
nursing massage techniques in intranatal and health education about labor pain in the 1st stage.
Results: Mrs. R felt the stomach tight and the pain in the lower back of the patient grimaced and
Mrs. G said the pain was in the stomach and spread to the lower back. Nursing intervention with
the diagnosis of labor pain. The implementation given by the deep back massage technique, with
pressing the sacrum bone using the base of the arm firmly. That technic has an effective to
reducing the pain of first stage of labor and increasing the patient's knowledge about labor pain.
Conclusion: The pain felt by the first stage mother decreased after being given a deep back
massage technique until second stage labor. Pain scale from controlled weight to mild pain.
Health workers can perform deep back massage techniques as a treatment for labor pain.
cervical dilatation until complete dilatation (10cm). Non-pharmacological efforts that can be done
is massage (massage). Objective: to be able to carry out nursing implementation of massage
techniques in intranatal to reduce labor pain in the 1st stage. Methods: Descriptive case study
design with a nursing care approach that has problems with labor pain in the 1st stage. The
subjects in this case study were two patients with the initials Mrs. R who was 27 years old. years
and Mrs.G who is 26 years old, this implementation was carried out in the delivery room of
Muhammadiyah Hospital Palembang in 2021. This case study focuses on the implementation of
nursing massage techniques in intranatal and health education about labor pain in the 1st stage.
Results: Mrs. R felt the stomach tight and the pain in the lower back of the patient grimaced and
Mrs. G said the pain was in the stomach and spread to the lower back. Nursing intervention with
the diagnosis of labor pain. The implementation given by the deep back massage technique, with
pressing the sacrum bone using the base of the arm firmly. That technic has an effective to
reducing the pain of first stage of labor and increasing the patient's knowledge about labor pain.
Conclusion: The pain felt by the first stage mother decreased after being given a deep back
massage technique until second stage labor. Pain scale from controlled weight to mild pain.
Health workers can perform deep back massage techniques as a treatment for labor pain.
Rosnani , Ratna Ningsih
Jurnal Keperawatan Merdeka (JKM),