Hemodialysis is a kidney function replacement therapy that aims to remove metabolic waste or certain toxins from human blood circulation. Patients with chronic renal failure who undergo hemodialysis therapy will experience various problems such as…
Apendisitis merupakan peradangan pada Apendiks yang berbahaya jika tidak ditangani dengan segera di mana terjadi infeksi berat yang bisa menyebabkan pecahnya lumen usus. Tindakan pembedahan adalah salah metode penatalaksanaan apendisitisi. Pemberian…
The Maternal Mortality Rate in Musi Rawas has increased. This is still a serious problem because the initial rate of the strategic plan (in 2010) was 102 per 100,000 live births and the final rate during the strategic plan period (2015) was 169 per…