Objective: Teenagers are at high risk for drug addiction. Family resilience is important in preventing
adolescent involvement in drug abuse. This qualitative study aims to explore the experience of family
resilience based on the perspective of…
Objective: Teenagers are at high risk for drug addiction. Family resilience is important in preventing
adolescent involvement in drug abuse. This qualitative study aims to explore the experience of family
resilience based on the perspective of…
Abstract - Problems with the care process of people with
mental disorders by family caregivers never lead to
concrete solutions. Family support is one of the
determinants of the successful recovery of a patient's
condition because it reflects the…
Pneumonia merupakan penyebab utama kematian balita di dunia. Penyakit ini menyumbang 16% dari seluruh kematian anak di bawah 5 tahun, yang menyebabkan kematian pada 920.136 balita, atau lebih dari 2.500 per hari, atau di perkirakan 2 anak Balita…