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Jurnal  GIZIDO Vol 14 N0 1 Mei 2022.pdf
Background: Wasting is weight loss towards height so that child’s body becomes disporpotionate
(low weight for height). According to data from the 2017 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas), it
shows that in Indonesia the wasting prevalence is 7.8%.…

994-Article Text-3597-1-10-20220715 (3) kes diagnosis.pdf
Pandemi covid-19 telah berlangsung lebih dari 2 tahun dan telah menyebar secara masif mengganggu sistem perawatan kesehatan dan banyak kematian di seluruh dunia. Hal ini menjadi penyebab terganggunya rutinitas sehari-hari sehingga sangat berpotensi…

Jurnal PADI vol 1 No 1 Juni 2022-1.pdf
The specification of food ingredients is a control that is carried out at the beginning of food service activities
which functions to control the quality of food ingredients. The quality and safety of a food product are highly
dependent on the…

Jurnal nutrisia vol 24 no 1 Maret 2022.pdf
Physical fitness is the ability of the body to make adjustments to the physical burden given
to members of the police in carrying out daily work without causing excessive fatigue and
still be able to enjoy their free time. Components of physical…

Jurnal sehat mandiri vol 7 no 1 Juni 2022.pdf
Research on 504 women aged 18-40 years found the average serum concentration of
25(OH)D was 48 nmol/L with the incidence of vitamin D deficiency as much as 63%. Vitamin
D deficiency is associated with several metabolic diseases. This incident can…

Jurnal PADI vol 1 No 2-2022.pdf
Food waste is the amount of food that is not consumed. Several factors cause food waste, especially in hospitals.
Calculation of the patient's food waste is done by weighing or weighing through the Comstock method. This
study aims to determine the…

312-781-1-PB (1)-jurnal gizi prima.pdf
Background. Malnutrition, notably underweight in infants, is a severe nutritional problem that must be addressed. To solve the problem of being skinny in toddlers by utilizing local food, complementary feeding with high protein and vitamin A levels…
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