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  • Collection: Prosiding

Prosiding Status Paritas dg kecemasan.pdf
Menghadapi tindakan operasi sectio caesarea dapat menimbulkan kecemasan pada ibu hamil, kecemasan
yang berlebihan dapat memepengaruhi kelancaran rencana operasi dari persalinan. Tujuan dari penelitian
ini untuk mengetahui hubungan status paritas…

Immunization and Nutritional Status (1).pdf
Abstract - Complete basic immunization status must be
obtained by toddlers, as well as good nutritional status
that must be fulfilled for the growth and development of
toddlers. This can increase the immunity and resilience of
children under five…

PROCIDING (Manuntun  Rotua) 2020.pdf
Wasting is a condition of the body that is thin and so thin that it exceeds -2 Standart Deviation under the median body weight according to height or length. The objective of this research, therefore, was to analyze the original patterns, macro…
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